
In the land of the learning current the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is:
Attendees discover for themselves
their individual potential and creative fulfillment.

 the learning current will craft conferences, seminars and workshops to meet client’s specifications in support of their customers, employees, participants or volunteers. 

What is the objective of your event?  What do you want your personnel/ customers to gain from your event?  What style of venue do you desire for your event?

From the answers to these and other questions, the learning current will provide what you need to compose a successful and creative learning experience for your genre of attendees. 

The following workshop topics are available to assist attendees to open doors within themselves and achieve peak learning experiences in many areas of their lives.

o A Simple Home Life™
o Achieve Your Peak Artistic Moments
o Coaching your volunteer teams
o Color your dreams
o Creative Organizational tools
o Emotional and Spiritual Survival
o Fears are gifts
o How to stay AWAKE to your creative potential now
o Learn to unlock your Divine creative potential
o Learning to Create in the world
o Master the day to day challenges in your life
o Mining the jewels of your creativity in your own backyard
o Step out of the box
o Shout for joy
o Surrender to the creative flow
o Volunteers – Stars in your community
o Wisdom and Wealth
o We all have the ability to Create
o Taking steps to overcome obstacles
o Your family's operating system